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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2019-11-19 13:19 瀏覽次數:646
    (南京南瑞繼保電氣有限公司,江蘇 南京 211102)
        摘 要:特高壓直流系統逆變側閥區出現接地故障后,現在采用的動作策略中是禁投旁通對的,這在站間通信中斷的部分工況下會導致閥組出現過壓損壞的安全風險。結合實際工程RTDS仿真案例,詳細分析了禁投旁通對策略導致閥組過壓的原因和過程,并提出了投旁通對策略的優化方案。仿真試驗結果驗證了優化策略的有效性,與原有策略相比,優化策略不僅避免了閥組出現過壓損壞的風險,而且加快了保護動作后閥組閉鎖的過程,有效保證了閥組的安全。
        中圖分類號:TM721.1     文獻標識碼:A     文章編號:1007-3175(2019)11-0030-04
    Research on Bypass Pair Strategy for Grounding Fault of UHVDC Inverter Valve Region
    LI Guang-yu, CHEN Le
    (NR Electric Co., Ltd, Nanjing 2111 02, China)
        Abstract: After grounding fault occurred in the inverter valve region of UHVDC system, the action strategy adopted now is the forbidden bypass pair, which will lead to the safety risk of overpressure damage to the valve under some working conditions when the communication between stations is interrupted. Combined with the actual engineering RTDS simulation case, this paper analyzed the cause and process of the overpressure caused by the forbidden bypass pair strategy in detail and proposed the optimization scheme of the bypass pair strategy. The RTDS simulation results verify the effectiveness of the optimization strategy. Compared with the original strategy, this optimization strategy not only avoids the risk of overpressure damage of the valve, but also speeds up the process of the valve blocking after the protection action , which effectively ensures the safety of the valves.
        Key words: UHVDC; inverter side; valve grounding fault; bypass pair; strategy optimization; RTDS simulation
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