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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2019-11-19 13:19 瀏覽次數:592
    (廣州供電局有限公司,廣東 廣州 510600)
        摘 要:電網狀態計算與不良數據辨識,能為電力系統運行分析提供準確可靠的數據系統,是電網安全穩定控制的基礎。提出了一種考慮不同量測精度和量測方向的網絡搜索新方法,選擇量測組合精度更高的最優路徑進行狀態計算。利用電壓一致性檢測、PMU/SCADA一致性檢測、KCL一致性檢測和KVL一致性檢測方法,實現不良數據辨識。IEEE 14節點系統算例結果表明,最優路徑法具有較高的計算精度,且能正確辨識不良數據。
        中圖分類號:TM744     文獻標識碼:A     文章編號:1007-3175(2019)11-0025-05
    Power Grid State Calculation and Outlier Detection Based on Optimal Path-Finding Technique
    DU Liang
    (Guangzhou Power Supply Co., Ltd, Guangzhou 510600, China)
        Abstract: State calculation and outlier detection can provide reliable data for power grid security and stability control, so they are extremely important for power system. This paper presented a new state calculation method based on the optimal path-finding network search technique by selecting calculation paths considering redundancy, accuracy and direction. This paper used the voltage consistency check, the PMU/SCADA consistency check, the KCL consistency check and the KVL consistency check to realize the outlier detection. Examples on IEEE 14 bus system show that this method has a high accuracy in state calculation and outlier detection in power system.
        Key words: optimal path; state calculation; outlier detection; consistency check
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