(上海電機學院 電氣學院,上海 201306)
摘 要:液壓變槳系統是風力發電機組中故障多發的重要部件,對其展開故障診斷具有重要意義。針對受到丟包和狀態延時影響的風機變槳系統故障,提出一種基于自適應觀測器的故障診斷方法。將復雜的變槳系統轉化為相應的狀態空間模型,并根據相應的系統故障模型設計出自適應觀測器。將故障模型進行離散化之后,設置合理的系統增益矩陣以及自適應調節律,并對觀測器的穩定性展開了證明。仿真結果證明了觀測部分能夠準確地對真實值進行跟蹤,實現了對變槳系統故障診斷的目標。
中圖分類號:TM614 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2019)11-0005-06
Fault Diagnosis of Wind Turbine Hydraulic Variable Pitch System Based on Adaptive Observer
HU Chang-xuan , WEN Chuan-bo
(School of Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Dianji University, Shanghai 201306, China)
Abstract: The hydraulic variable pitch system of wind turbine is the main multi-fault component, so it is very necessary to carry out fault diagnosis. A fault diagnosis method based on adaptive observation was proposed for the fault of wind turbine variable pitch system affected by state delay and loss of package. The complex variable pitch system was transformed into the corresponding state space model, and the adaptive observer was designed according to the corresponding system fault model. After the fault model was discretized, a reasonable gain matrix and adaptive regulation law are set up, and the stability of the observer was proved. The simulation results show that the observer part can accurately track the real value and realize the goal of fault diagnosis for the variable pitch system.
Key words: wind turbine; state delay and packet loss; variable pitch system; adaptive observer; fault diagnosis
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