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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    GB/T 31248標準解析

    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2019-12-18 10:18 瀏覽次數:596
    GB/T 31248標準解析
    (上海國纜檢測中心有限公司,上海 200093)
        摘 要:對涉及電纜燃燒試驗方法標準GB/T 31248和GB/T 18380 進行了對比解析,對GB/T 31248標準規定的儀器設備、熱釋放速率、熱釋放速率峰值、熱釋放總量、燃燒增長速率指數、產煙速率、產煙速率峰值、產煙總量的定義及計算進行了詳細解析,并以常見B1級為例,列舉了各項不合格情況,供相關人員參考。
        中圖分類號:TM246     文獻標識碼:A     文章編號:1007-3175(2019)12-0063-04
    Standard Analysis of GB/T 31248
    SUN Hao
    (Shanghai National Center of Testing and Inspection for Electric Cable and Wire Co.,Ltd, Shanghai 200093, China)
        Abstract: This paper carried out the comparison analysis for standards GB/T 31248 and GB/T 18380 involving the way of cable combustion test and described the apparatus, the heat release rate, the peak of heat release rate, the gross of heat release, the index of burning rise rate, the smoke producing rate, the peak of smoke producing rate, the definition and calculation of smoke producing gross specified by standard GB/T 31248 in detail, and took the common B1-class for example to enumerate various disqualification situations to provide references for the relevant personnel.
        Key words: cable combustion test; heat release rate; inflaming retarding; smoke producing rate; B1-class
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