(國網北京市電力公司檢修分公司,北京 100071)
摘 要:為了研究開關柜中局部放電產生的電磁波特性分布,基于有限元差分法理論,利用三維全波電磁仿真軟件XFDTD對最易發生故障的電纜室進行仿真分析。分析結果表明局部放電引起的電磁波以球面波的形式向四周傳播,由電磁波感應生成的電場強度在柜門縫隙處最強,呈現出衰減振蕩的波形,同時檢測的感應電壓與電場強度波形相似,考慮到實際傳感器的差異性,提出感應電壓的歸一化處理,通過多點檢測有效地實現了局部放電的定位。
中圖分類號:TM591 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2019)12-0022-06
Analysis of Electromagnetic Characteristics of Partial Discharge in Switchgear
HUO Tian
(State Grid Beijing Electric Power Company Maintenance Branch, Beijing 100071, China)
Abstract: In order to study on the distribution of electromagnetic wave characteristics generated by partial discharge (PD) in the switchgear, based on the finite element difference theory, the three-dimensional full-wave electromagnetic simulation software XFDTD was used to simulate the most trouble-prone cable room. The analysis results show that the electromagnetic wave caused by PD is propagating in the form of spherical wave. The electric field intensity induced by electromagnetic wave is the strongest at the gap of the cabinet door, showing the waveform of damped oscillation. At the same time, the detected induced voltage is similar to the electric field intensity waveform. Considering the difference of the actual sensors, this paper proposes the normalization process of the induced voltage, effectively realizing the location of PD with multipoint detection.
Key words: switchgear; partial discharge; finite difference time domain method; normalization; electromagnetic wave; induced voltage
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