(南京理工大學 自動化學院,江蘇 南京 210094)
摘 要:風電功率預測對于風電場和電網的安全可靠運行具有重要意義。以某風力發電機為研究對象,根據該風機歷史天氣信息和風電功率數據,使用遺傳算法改進BP神經網絡,構建復合型神經網絡的風電功率預測系統。運用MATLAB軟件對算法進行編程與仿真,仿真結果表明,單一的BP神經網絡預測系統波動性較高,精度不足,而復合型的神經網絡算法有效地解決了這一問題,改進后的預測系統精度較高、穩定性較強,滿足工業生產需求。
關鍵詞:風電;功率預測;BP 神經網絡;遺傳算法
中圖分類號:TM614 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2019)12-0016-06
Research on Wind Power Prediction Based on Improved BP Neural Network of Genetic Algorithm
WANG Bing-bing, ZHAO Tian-le
(School of Automation, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094, China)
Abstract: Wind power prediction is of great significance for the safe and reliable operation of wind farms and power system. Taking a wind turbine as the research object, according to the historical weather information and power generation data of the turbine, the BP neural network was improved by genetic algorithm, and a composite neural network wind power prediction system was constructed. The arithmetic was programmed and simulated by MATLAB. The simulation results show that the single BP neural network prediction system has high fluctuation and insufficient precision, however, the compound neural network algorithm effectively solves this problem. The improved prediction system has high accuracy and stability, and meets the requirements of industrial production.
Key words: wind power; power prediction; BP neural network; genetic algorithm
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