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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2019-12-19 10:19 瀏覽次數:583
    (寧夏大學 物理與電子電氣工程學院,寧夏 銀川 750021)
        摘 要:光伏發電功率對光伏發電的可靠性起著決定性作用。針對Elman神經網絡收斂速度慢、訓練時間較長的問題,利用果蠅算法(FOA)來優化Elman神經網絡的權值和閾值,從而提高運行效率。建立了基于FOA-Elman神經網絡的光伏發電功率預測模型,并給出了算法設計及編碼方案。仿真實驗結果表明,FOA-Elman模型預測精度比傳統Elman神經網絡模型預測精度高,更適合于光伏發電功率預測。
        關鍵詞:光伏發電;功率預測;果蠅算法;Elman 神經網絡;預測精度
        中圖分類號:TM615     文獻標識碼:A     文章編號:1007-3175(2019)12-0001-04
    Prediction Model of Photovoltaic Power Generation Based on FOA-Elman Neural Network
    LI Yun, LI Ping, MA Li-xin
    (School of Physics and Electronic-Electrical Engineering, Ningxia University, Yinchuan 750021, China)
        Abstract: The photovoltaic power generation plays an important role in the reliability of photovoltaic power system.Aiming at the slow convergence speed and long training time of Elman neural network, this paper used the fruit fly optimization algorithm (FOA) to optimize the weights and thresholds of Elman neural network to improve the operation efficiency. A photovoltaic power prediction model based on FOAElman neural network was established, and the algorithm, design and coding scheme were given. The simulation results show that the prediction accuracy of FOA-Elman model is higher than that of traditional Elman neural network model, more suitable for the photovoltaic power prediction.
        Key words: photovoltaic power generation; power prediction; fruit fly optimization algorithm; Elman neural network; prediction accuracy
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