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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2020-01-19 13:19 瀏覽次數:1027
    (廣東電網公司東莞供電局, 廣東 東莞 523120)
        摘 要:對于目前主流的母差保護裝置,還沒有非常完善的邏輯校驗方法,尤其是數據之外的試驗儀加量原則。以南瑞繼保PCS-915母差保護裝置為例,簡要介紹其典型配置、動作判據及PCS-915與BP-2C的區別,并重點從原理、邏輯校驗模型、加量原則等方面分別闡述了復壓閉鎖差動邏輯校驗、大差和小差K 值校驗、死區保護邏輯以及失靈保護邏輯校驗方法,為220 kV母差保護裝置的驗收和維護提供參考依據。
        中圖分類號:TM588     文獻標識碼:A     文章編號:1007-3175(2020)01-0053-06
    Research on Relay Protection Test Method of PCS-915 Busbar Differential Protection
    ZHAO Wen-ting, LU Di-yong
    (Dongguan Power Supply Bureau of Guangdong Grid Company, Dongguan 523120, China)
        Abstract: For the current mainstream busbar differential protection device, there is no very thorough logic method of calibration, especially for the tester dosage principle beyond data.Taking NR relay protection PCS-915 busbar differential protection device for example, this paper briefly introduced the typical configuration, the movement criterion and the difference between PCS-915 and BP-2C, expounded the re-pressing shutting differential motion logic verification, the big and small differences K value verification, the dead zone protection logic and the failure protection logic verification method emphatically from the aspects of principle, logic verification model and dosage principle model etc, which provides the reference frame for the acceptance inspection and maintenance of 220 kV busbar differential protection device.
        Key words: PCS-915; busbar differential protection; relay protection; dead zone protection; failure protection
    [1] 黃國平. 電網微機保護測試技術[M]. 北京:中國電力出版社,2011.
    [2] 尹項根,曾克娥. 電力系統繼電保護原理與應用[M]. 武漢:華中科技大學出版社,2001.


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