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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2020-01-21 08:21 瀏覽次數:1018
    (上海電器科學研究所(集團)有限公司,上海 200063)
        摘 要:基于傳統濾除諧振的方法濾除諧波不夠徹底且響應速度比較慢的問題,提出了一種優化濾除諧振的方法,針對性地設計了一種優化后的阻尼器,可快速濾除逆變系統內產生的高次諧波。該阻尼器是基于帶通濾波器組成,通過在Simulink上進行的模擬實驗,分析濾波前后的波形對比,驗證了優化后的阻尼器可以有效降低逆變器系統中的諧振及50次以上的高次諧波。
        中圖分類號:TM464     文獻標識碼:A     文章編號:1007-3175(2020)01-0041-04
    A Method for Damping Resonance in Photovoltaic Inverter System
    ZHOU Da-jun, ZHONG Hao, WANG Yi
    (Shanghai Electrical Apparatus Research Institute Group Co., Ltd, Shanghai 200063, China)
        Abstract: Based on the problem that the traditional filtering resonance method doesn’t eliminate harmonics completely and responses slowly, this paper proposed a kind of optimized filtering resonance method.The optimized damper was designed to quickly filter out the higher harmonics generated in the inverter system. This damper was based on the band-pass filter.The simulation experiments in Simulink could be used to compare the waveform before filtering with the one after filtering.It is verified that the optimized damper could effectively reduce the resonance which is higher than 50 times in the inverter system.
        Key words: inverter; resonance; damping; filter; higher harmonic
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