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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2016-03-11 13:11 瀏覽次數:9


    馬丹睿, 金立軍, 趙剛 
    (1 同濟大學 電子與信息工程學院,上海 201804:2 天水長城開關廠有限公司,甘肅 天水 741018) 

    摘 要:傳統的溫升試驗系統的測量和記錄設施智能化低,不能完整記錄試驗全過程數據,研究了一個溫升試驗數字化測量分析系統,該系統實現溫升數據全過程記錄,數據采樣、處理精度高,提出了一套穩定溫升預測分析算法,通過通流后1 ~ 3 倍時間常數內的溫升數據,做出符合精度要求的穩定溫升預測,可節約大量研究性試驗的時間。經試驗論證,系統滿足電器設備研究性試驗和型式試驗的要求。
    中圖分類號:TM643 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2015)11-0009-04

    Study of a Digital Measuring and Predicting System for Electrical Equipment Temperature Rise Test 

    MA Dan-rui, JIN Li-jun, ZHAO Gang 
    (1 School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Tong ji University, Shanghai 201804, China;
    2 Tianshui Changcheng Switchgear Co., Ltd, Tianshui 741018, China)

    Abstract: The traditional equipment of temperature-rising test has low intelligentized capability in measurement and recording. The system cannot record data during test process completely to meet the demands for follow-up researching. The paper studied a measuring system of temperature-rising test to realize the whole process record and the high accuracy data sampling and disposing, and put forward the stable prediction algorithm to estimate the future value of temperature rise with the temperature-rising data during the period of one to three times of time constant, which saved a large number of research test time. Experimental results show that the system meets the requirements of electrical equipment of research tests and type tests.
    Key words: temperature rise test; digital measuring; prediction algorithm; precision

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