(國網河北省電力有限公司石家莊供電分公司, 河北 石家莊 050006)
摘 要:區塊鏈與邊緣計算的應用為電力系統發展提供了新的技術支撐。對該技術和方法進行介紹,結合對泛在電力物聯網建設形勢的分析,闡述了區塊鏈與邊緣計算在電力系統中應用的可行性,并對幾種具體電力系統業務應用舉例說明,提出了技術難題與改進觀點。
中圖分類號:TM711 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2020)03-0001-04
Prospect for the Application of Blockchain Technology and Edge Computing in Power System
(Shijiazhuang Power Supply Branch, State Grid Hebei Electric Power Co., Ltd, Shijiazhuang 050006, China)
Abstract: The application of blockchain and edge computing provides new technical support for the development of power system. This article introduces the technology and method, combined with the analysis of the ubiquitous power Internet of Things construction situation, elaborates the feasibility of the application of blockchain and edge computing in power system, and illustrates several specific power system business applications, put forward technical difficulties and improvement ideas.
Key words: decentralization; smart contract; edge computing; ubiquitous electricity Internet of Things
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