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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2020-05-14 13:14 瀏覽次數:902
    (1 LEADER新能源科技投資有限公司,澳門 999078;2 珠海中車裝備工程有限公司,廣東 珠海 519000)
        摘 要:介紹了一種基于12 kV緊湊型常壓空氣絕緣供電柜采用的不可觸及隔室全密閉結構時環境因素導致隔室內外空氣進行自主交換的呼吸裝置。該裝置利用有益的電子組件對外部高濕度空氣進入隔室內部時進行有效的干燥處理,使得常規的空氣絕緣供電柜在極大縮小占地面積與安裝體積的前提下獲得更高的環境耐受能力與運行安全性能。設計方案采用了電容式傳感器作為取能元件并采用間歇式供電降低能耗,不僅有著一定的技術性價比,也對這一電壓等級下環保氣體供電柜的應用提供了穩定可靠低成本選型方案。
        中圖分類號:TM64    文獻標識碼:A     文章編號:1007-3175(2020)05-0024-04
    Design a Respirator for the Inaccessible Compartment of Compact Switchgear
    LIAN Shi-jun1, ZHANG Chi2, ZHANG Lu-ming1
    (1 LEADER New-Energy Science & Technology Investment (Macao) Limited, Macao 999078, China;
    2 Zhuhai CRRC Equipment Engineering Co., Ltd, Zhuhai 519000, China)
        Abstract: This paper introduces a breathing device based on 12 kV compact atmospheric pressure air-insulated switchgear which adopts an inaccessible compartment with a fully enclosed structure and environmental factors lead to autonomous exchange of air inside and outside the compartment.The device uses beneficial electronic components to effectively dry the external high-humidity air when it enters the interior of the compartment; this allows conventional air-insulated switchgear to achieve higher environmental tolerance and operational safety performance on the premise of greatly reducing the footprint and installation volume.The design uses capacitive sensors as energy-absorbing components and intermittent power supply to reduce energy consumption.It not only has a certain technical cost performance, but also provides a stable and reliable low-cost type selection solution for the application of environmentally friendly gas power cabinets at this voltage level.
        Key words: compact switchgear; atmospheric pressure; inaccessible compartment; respirator of compartment; environmentally friendly switchgear
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