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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2020-06-18 13:18 瀏覽次數:876
    (中國大唐集團科學技術研究院有限公司華東電力試驗研究院,安徽 合肥 230088)
        摘 要:在梳理發電機大修所需開展的檢修和試驗項目的基礎上,提出了一種發電機大修狀態評估測試方法,該方法以利用轉子護環端部進行固定的分段拼接式塑料導軌和定制式載具為試驗工具,配合高清補光型變焦距攝像頭、Chattock線圈和定子槽楔松緊度檢測探頭等傳感器和測量設備,實現了無氣隙擋板發電機在不抽轉子條件下完成大修狀態評估測試的目的?,F場應用測試表明,該裝置效果良好,應用前景廣闊。
        中圖分類號:TM307     文獻標識碼:B    文章編號:1007-3175(2020)06-0054-05
    Method and Device for Evaluating and Overhauling Generator Based on Non-Pumped Rotor
    YANG Yu-lei
    (China Datang Science and Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd. East China Electric Power Experimental Research Institute, Hefei 230088, China)
        Abstract: On the basis of reviewing the overhaul and test items required for generator overhaul, a method for assessing the condition of generator overhaul is proposed. This method uses fixed segmented spliced plastic guide rails and the custom-made vehicle as a test tool, with sensors and measuring equipment such as HD fill light zoom camera, Chattock coil and stator slot wedge tightness detection probe, etc., and the purpose of the air gap-free baffle generator to complete the overhaul condition evaluation test without pumping the rotor is achieved. Field application tests show that the device works well and has broad application prospects.
        Key words: generator; condition assessment; no pumping rotor; guide rail; air gap-free baffle
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