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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    一種0.4 kV電力系統配電不停電作業快速連接裝置研究

    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2020-08-20 13:20 瀏覽次數:676
    一種0.4 kV電力系統配電不停電作業快速連接裝置研究
    (杭州之江開關股份有限公司,浙江 杭州 311234)
        摘 要:提出了一種新型的移動發電車與低壓配電設備母排連接解決方案,通過應急電源快速接入裝置快速高效的將應急發電車電源接入低壓配電柜,實現配電網絡的不停電作業。闡述了裝置結構和工作原理,充分考慮應急電源接入裝置與低壓配電柜母排的兼容性,自補償的結構形式確保了接入各種規格母排時的載流能力。實際應用表明,該裝置結構簡單、拆裝方便,無需對原有低壓配電柜進行改造,投入、運行成本低。
        中圖分類號:TM732      文獻標識碼:B     文章編號:1007-3175(2020)08-0057-03
    Research on a Quick Connection Device for 0.4 kV Power System Distribution Without Power Failure
    JIAN Mei-jia, BAI Hua-dong, XU Jun-fang, JIN Xin
    (Hangzhou Zhijiang Switch Co., Ltd, Hangzhou 311 234, China)
         Abstract: In this paper, a new type of solution for the connection between the busbar of the mobile generator and the low-voltage power distribution equipment is proposed. The emergency power supply quick access device quickly and efficiently connects the power supply of the emergency power generation vehicle to the low-voltage distribution cabinet to realize the non-stop operation of the distribution network. The structure and working principle of the device are expounded, the compatibility of the emergency power access device and the busbar of the low-voltage power distribution cabinet is fully considered, and the self-compensating structure ensures the current carrying capacity when accessing various specifications of the busbar. Practical application shows that the device has a simple structure and is easy to disassemble and install. There is no need to transform the original low-voltage distribution cabinet, and the investment and operation cost are low.
        Key words: emergency power supply; quick access device; low-voltage distribution cabinet
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