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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2020-08-22 10:22 瀏覽次數:710
    (1 上海電力大學 自動化工程學院,上海 200090;2 國網上海市電力公司,上海 200122)
        摘 要:為提高微電網在安全可靠前提下調度運行的經濟性和環保性,提出了一種基于差分進化鳥群算法的微電網多目標優化運行策略。建立了考慮經濟性、環保性及供電可靠性等因素的微電網多目標模型,并給出了滿足微電網安全穩定運行所需的約束條件;將多目標函數轉換為單目標函數,應用差分進化鳥群算法對其進行求解;將所得結果分別與各單目標下求解結果進行對比。實驗結果表明,所提方法在經濟性和環保性上較傳統模型均有所提高,更充分利用可再生能源,降低系統運行成本,并且在負荷變動明顯的情況下,系統波動性較小,一定程度上提高系統穩定性;同時該組合算法增加了種群的多樣性,防止訓練過程陷入局部最優解,具有效率高、魯棒性好的優點。
        中圖分類號:TM711     文獻標識碼:A     文章編號:1007-3175(2020)08-0001-06
    Multi-Objective Optimal Operation of Micro-Grid Based on Differential Evolutionary Bird Swarm Algorithm
    XUE Yang1, LI Rui1, ZHANG Ning 1, WANG Lin2
    (1 College of Automation Engineering, Shanghai University of Electric Power, Shanghai 200090, China;
    2 State Grid Shanghai Electric Power Company, Shanghai 200122, China)
        Abstract: In order to improve the economics and environment friendly of micro-grid dispatching operation under the premise of safety and reliability, a multi-objective optimization operation strategy for micro-grid based on differential evolution bird swarm algorithm is proposed. In this paper, it established a micro-grid multi-objective model that considers factors such as economy, environment friendly, and power supply reliability, and gave the constraints required to meet the safe and stable operation of the micro-grid, the multi-objective function is converted into a single-objective function, and the differential evolution bird swarm algorithm is used to solve it; the obtained results are compared with the solution results under each single-objective. The experimental results show that the proposed method is improved in economy and environmental protection compared with the traditional model, making full use of renewable energy, reducing system operating costs, and under the condition of obvious load fluctuations, the system volatility is small, and to a certain extent, the stability of the system is improved. At the same time, the combined algorithm increases the diversity of the population and prevents the training process from falling into the local optimal solution. It has the advantages of high efficiency and good robustness.
        Key words: micro-grid; multi-objective; optimal operation; differential evolutionary algorithm; bird swarm algorithm
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