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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2016-03-14 09:14 瀏覽次數:11


    西南電力設計院有限公司,四川 成都 610021 

    摘 要:針對青藏直流投產初期輸電容量較低和藏中電網存在電壓和頻率失穩風險的現狀,提出在藏中電網裝設靜止無功補償器SVC 來提高青藏直流輸電能力和抑制系統故障時電壓和頻率的波動。對SVC 的配置容量、電壓等級進行了論證,提出適合工程且較省費用的SVC 配置方案。通過系統仿真,對SVC 在拉薩燃機電廠開機和停運時的運行特性進行了分析。結果表明,提出的SVC 配置方案可增強系統故障時的穩定性,能明顯提高青藏直流的輸送容量。
    中圖分類號:TM714.3 文獻標識碼:B 文章編號:1007-3175(2015)12-0036-04

    Application of Hybrid Static Var Compensator in Central Tibet Power Grid 

    YIN Da-qian, WU Yi-min, LI Long-cai 
    Southwest Electric Power Design Institute Co., Ltd, Chengdu 610021, China 

    Abstract: In view of lower transmission capacity of Qinghai-Tibet direct current (DC) initial stage of production and the current situation of unstable risk of voltage and frequency existing in central Tibet power grid, the static var compensator (SVC) was proposed to install in central Tibet power grid to improve the transmission capacity in Qinghai-Tibet HVDC project and to inhibit the fluctuation of voltage and frequency effectively in power system faults. The capacity configuration and voltage level of SVC were demonstrated and a configuration scheme suitable for the project with low cost was proposed. This paper analyzed the operation characteristics of SVC in the operation and outage of Lhasa oil-fired power plant by system simulation. The results indicate that the configuration scheme of SVC can enhance the stability of system in faults and improve the transmission capacity of Qinghai-Tibet HVDC project obviously.
    Key words: central Tibet power grid; static var compensator; transmission capacity; system stability

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