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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2020-11-19 14:19 瀏覽次數:625
    (國網福建省電力有限公司龍巖供電公司,福建 龍巖 364000)
        摘 要:分析了一座110 kV智能變電站在母線電壓互感器PT 及一條110 kV線路轉檢修過程中,110 kV備自投裝置動作后,未合上備用線路開關,造成全站短時失壓的事故。通過對現場備自投裝置動作報文、開入量SOE變位及監控后臺報文分析,并查閱該110 kV備自投裝置說明書,得到備自投裝置在聯切線路轉檢修時邏輯存在問題——聯切線路的跳位取的是操作箱的TWJ,斷開操作電源時TWJ 復歸。根據影響110 kV備自投正確動作的不同原因提出:一是增加聯切線路檢修時對應的線路相對應的檢修開入壓板;二是110 kV進線備自投的兩條互備線路及母線PT,三者其中之一轉檢修,也同時將備自投裝置退出,以防備自投裝置誤動。
        中圖分類號:TM63     文獻標識碼:B     文章編號:1007-3175(2020)11-0049-04
    Analysis and Improvement Measures of an Incorrect Operation of the Reserve
    Power Source Automatic Connection Devices in Smart Substation
    WU Yong-hai
    (Longyan Power Supply Company, State Grid Fujian Electric Power Company, Longyan 364000, China)
        Abstract: In this paper, analysis an 110 kV smart substation in the bus voltage transformer PT and an 110 kV line in the process of overhaul, after the 110 kV reserve power source automatic connection devices(RPSACDs)is activated, the backup line switch is not closed, causing a short-term voltage loss of the whole station.By analyzing the operation messages of the on-site RPSACDs, the position of the input SOE and monitoring the background message, and consulting the 110 kV RPSACDs manual, it is found that the RPSACDs has logic problems when the combined switching line is transferred for maintenance— —The jump position of the combined circuit is the TWJ of the operation box, and the TWJ will reset when the operating power is disconnected.According to the different reasons that affect the correct operation of 110 kV standby automatic switching, the following is proposed: First, increase the maintenance opening of the corresponding line during the maintenance of the combined line; the second is the two mutual backup lines and busbar PT of 110 kV incoming line and automatic switching.One of the three is transferred to overhaul, and the automatic RPSACDs is also withdrawn to prevent the RPSACDs from malfunctioning.
        Key words: smart substation; reserve power source automatic connection devices; incorrect operation; improvement measures
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