800 kV投切交流濾波器用斷路器研制
(平高集團有限公司,河南 平頂山 467001)
摘 要:特高壓直流換流站投切濾波器用斷路器對產品的容性開斷能力提出了更加嚴苛的要求,現有800 kV斷路器無法滿足要求,需開發投切濾波器專用斷路器。分析了交流濾波器用斷路器的技術難點,從限制合閘涌流、提升弧觸頭燒蝕性能、絕緣氣體壓力提升和電場強度分析等方面闡述了斷路器研制方案。研制的斷路器先后進行了5 輪C2級試驗和FC2試驗,未發生一次重擊穿,體現了良好的容性開斷能力。產品應用于青海—河南±800 kV特高壓直流輸電工程,有效地支撐了電網的可靠運行。
中圖分類號:TM561 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2020)11-0036-04
Development of Circuit Breaker for Switch 800 kV AC Filter
GUO Zi-hao, HUANG Kun-peng, YANG Tao, LI Jian-bin, KANG Liu-tao, BI Hai-bo
(Pinggao Group Co., Ltd, Pingdingshan 467001, China)
Abstract: Circuit breakers for switching filters in UHV DC converter stations put forward more stringent requirements on the capacitive breaking capacity of products. The existing 800 kV circuit breakers cannot meet the requirements, and special circuit breakers for switching filters need to be developed. In this paper the technical difficulties of AC breakers are analyzed, and the circuit breaker development scheme is expounded from the aspects of limiting the inrush current, improving the ablation performance of the arc contact, increasing the pressure of the insulating gas and analysis the electric field structure. The developed circuit breaker has undergone 5 times of C2 level test and FC2 test, and no restrike has occurred, it showed good capacitive breaking capability. The product is applied to Qinghai-Henan ±800 kV UHV DC transmission project, effectively supporting the reliable operation of the power grid.
Key words: circuit breakers for switching filter; capacitive breaking; restrike; closing inrush current
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