(同濟大學 電子與信息工程學院,上海 201804)
摘 要:城軌列車牽引傳動系統開關頻率較低,需要根據不同工況分段選擇脈寬調制技術。介紹了分段調制技術和指定諧波消除脈寬調制(SHEPWM)技術,針對傳統數值方法計算SHEPWM開關角存在的局部收斂、過程復雜等問題,設計了將擬牛頓法和遺傳算法結合的混合遺傳算法,可以實現全局收斂并減少計算復雜性;對不同載波比SHEPWM 的切換過程進行分析,得到諧波電流沖擊最小的切換點。使用Matlab/Simulink進行仿真,驗證了混合遺傳算法的全局收斂性和精確性,并對開關器件輸出電流進行快速傅里葉變換(FFT)分析,驗證了SHEPWM算法可以有效消除低次諧波。
中圖分類號:TM464 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2020)12-0007-06
Research on Pulse Width Modulation Method of Traction Inverter of Urban Rail Train
QIN Wei-zhi, GUO Qi-yi
(College of Electronic and Information Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China)
Abstract: The switching frequency of electric locomotive traction drive system is low and pulse width modulation technology needs to be selected according to different working conditions. This paper introduced the segmented modulation technology and the specified harmonic elimination pulse wide modulation (SHEPWM) technology, and designs a hybrid genetic algorithm, which effectively realizes the global convergence of the calculation results and reduces the computational complexity; for the synchronization between different modes of the modulation section the switching impact current is analyzed, and the switching point with the smallest harmonic current impact is obtained. Using Matlab/Simulink to do simulation verifies the global convergence and accuracy of the hybrid genetic algorithm, and performs fast Fourier transform (FFT) analysis on the output current of the switching device, which verifies that the SHEPWM algorithm can effectively eliminate low-order harmonics.
Key words: traction inverter; segment modulation; hybrid genetic algorithm; specified harmonic elimination pulse width modulation; smooth switching
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