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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2021-01-23 14:23 瀏覽次數:823


    (浙江省送變電工程有限公司,浙江 杭州 310016)
    摘 要:±800 kV 換流站隨著運行時限的逐漸增長,交流濾波器場小組開關高端光CT故障率也越來越高。針對±800 kV 換流站交流濾波器場運行過程中光CT出現的異常態,結合現場歷史數據對光回路進行了分析,并結合2020 年某換流站年度檢修工作,對交流濾波器高端光CT進行故障診斷和排查。通過光時域分析儀等檢修方法,逐級檢查出光回路故障點,實現了對換流站交流濾波器5631B相高端光CT和5634A相高端光CT故障的消除。
        中圖分類號:TM452     文獻標識碼:A     文章編號:1007-3175(2021)01-0054-06
    Fault Diagnosis of Abnormal High-End Optical CT
    in ACFilter Field of Converter Station
    WANG Jia-yi, WU Ji-shun, YU Lin-guang, LIU Ye-jie
    (Zhejiang Power Transmission and Transformation Engineering Co., Ltd, Hangzhou 310016, China)
        Abstract: With the gradual increase of the operating time limit of the ±800 kV converter station, the failure rate of the high-end opticalCT of the AC filter field group switch is getting higher and higher. In this paper aim at the abnormal state of the optical CT during the operationof the AC filter field of the ±800 kV converter station, the optical circuit is analyzed based on the historical data of the site, and combinedwith the annual maintenance work of a converter station in 2020, the high-end optical CT perform fault diagnosis and troubleshooting.Through maintenance methods such as optical time domain analyzer, the fault points of the optical circuit are checked step by step, and thefaults of the 5631 B-phase high-end optical CT and 5634 A-phase high-end optical CT of the converter station AC filter are eliminated.
        Key words: converter station; high-end optical CT; fault diagnosis
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