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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2021-01-25 09:25 瀏覽次數:734


    (正泰電氣股份有限公司,上海 201614)
    摘 要:中壓充氣柜(C-GIS) 是一種采用低壓力SF6 或環保氣體作為絕緣介質的金屬封閉開關設備,隨著傳感技術和智能化設備的應用,其可以滿足各種不同的用戶和應用場合要求。闡述了C-GIS 產品的技術特點、競爭優勢、結構及工藝特點,并針對國網、軌道交通、新能源等重點客戶的C-GIS 使用情況和市場需求進行分析,總結C-GIS 產品的技術研究方向和今后發展趨勢。指出以先進的制造工藝及較低的成本優勢,打造環保型、模塊化、智能型、免維護、高可靠性的開關設備是未來廠家和客戶共同的需求。
        中圖分類號:TM591     文獻標識碼:A     文章編號:1007-3175(2021)01-0001-04
    Market Application Status and Development Trend of Medium
    Pressure Inflatable Cabinet Products
    WANG Guang-xian, ZHAO Rui-ying
    (Chint Electric Co., Ltd, Shanghai 201614, China)
        Abstract: The cubicle type gas-insulated switchgear (C-GIS) is a kind of metal enclosed switchgear using low pressure SF6 gas or environmental protection gas as insulation medium. With the application of sensing technology and intelligent equipment, it can meet the requirements of various users and applications. This paper expounds the technical characteristics and competitive advantages of C-GIS products,analyzes the usage and market demand of C-GIS for key customers such as state grid, rail transit and new energy, and summarizes the technical research direction and future development trend of C-GIS products. It is pointed that using advanced manufacturing technology and lowcost advantages to create environment-friendly, modular, intelligent, maintenance-free and high-reliability switching is the common demand of future manufacturers and customers.
        Key words: C-GIS; development trend; environmental protection gas; modularization; intellectualization
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