某220 kV架空線路地線斷股故障分析
(1 國網新疆電力有限公司電力科學研究院,新疆 烏魯木齊 830011;2 國網新疆電力有限公司昌吉供電公司,新疆 昌吉 831100;
3 國網新疆電力有限公司哈密供電公司,新疆 哈密 839000;4 國網新疆電力有限公司阿克蘇供電公司,新疆 阿克蘇 843000)
摘 要:微風振動誘發的架空線路導地線疲勞斷股等事故嚴重影響了線路安全。某220 kV架空線路在巡視中發現多處存在地線斷股的缺陷,通過對該線路地線斷股缺陷進行計算分析,得出該線路在防振措施及運維方面存在的不足,并給出合理的整改及防范措施。提出的針對架空地線的防振措施普遍適用于架空線路,即在后期維修期間安裝防振錘時應纏繞鋁包帶,在設計和建設階段選擇和使用跟地線力學特性匹配的并且適合于地形的防振錘很重要,防振錘的安裝位置和數量應合理選擇、規范安裝。
中圖分類號:TM726.3 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2021)03-0041-04
Fault Analysis of Ground Line Broken Strands in 220 kV Overhead Line
ZHAO Ming-guan1, WANG Hui2, DONG Xin-sheng1, ZHANG Xiao-jun1, YUE Yun-kai1, ZHANG Zhen-hao3, OU Yang4
(1 State Grid Xinjiang Electric Power Co.,Ltd Electric Power Research Institute, Urumqi 830011, China;
2 State Grid Xinjiang Electric Power Co.,Ltd Changji Power Supply Company, Changji 831100, China;
3 State Grid Xinjiang Electric Power Co.,Ltd Hami Power Supply Company, Hami 839000, China;
4 State Grid Xinjiang Electric Power Co.,Ltd Aksu Power Supply Company, Aksu 843000, China)
Abstract: Breeze vibration induced ground conductor of the overhead line fatigue broken strands and other accidents are seriously affect the essential safety of the line. In this paper, through the calculation and analysis of the defects of the ground wire broken strands in a 220 kV overhead line, the shortcomings of the line in earthquake prevention measures and operation and maintenance are obtained. Reasonable rectification and preventive measures are given. The anti-shock measures proposed in this paper are generally suitable for overhead lines, that is, the anti-vibration hammer should be wound with aluminum tape during the later maintenance period. It is very important to select and use the anti-vibration hammer which matches the mechanical characteristics of the ground wire and is suitable for terrain in the design and construction. The installation position and quantity of the anti-vibration hammer should be reasonably selected and standardized.
Key words: overhead ground wire; fault defect; anti-vibration hammer; breeze vibration
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