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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2021-03-26 14:26 瀏覽次數:707
    (西安石油大學 電子工程學院,陜西 西安 710065)
        摘 要:由于配電線路具有輻射狀拓撲和開環運行狀態特性,以致傳統的脆弱性評估方法不再適用,而基于復雜網絡理論的評價方案雖可以準確識別網絡拓撲的重要節點,但是未能考慮到不同負荷等級對于脆弱性的影響,會導致脆弱性分析的結果不準確。結合配電網自身特點,給出了一種分析配電網脆弱性的改進評估方案?;诮Y構脆弱性分析,構建節點度、節點介數指標,使用節點注入功率和節點負荷等級進行加權,以彰顯優先級別負荷的重要性;基于狀態脆弱性分析,使用靈敏度分析方法構建節點電壓敏感度指標??紤]到配電網元件對節點脆弱性的影響,使用風險理論構建節點故障影響度指標。運用層次分析法對各項參數進行賦權,并得出適用于配電網的綜合脆弱性指標。使用IEEE 33節點算例對評估模型進行了仿真,驗證了所提指標及脆弱性評估體系的可行性。
        中圖分類號:TM727     文獻標識碼:A     文章編號:1007-3175(2021)03-0008-05
    Vulnerability Analysis of Distribution Network Nodes Considering Load Importance
    KONG Wei-xu
    (School of Electronic Engineering, Xi’an Shiyou University, Xi’an 710065, China)
        Abstract: Due to the characteristics of radial topology and open-loop operating status of distribution lines, traditional vulnerability assessment methods are no longer applicable. The evaluation scheme based on the complex network theory can accurately identify the important nodes of the network topology, but it fails to consider the impact of different load levels on the vulnerability, which will lead to inaccurate results of the vulnerability analysis. In this paper it combines with the characteristics of the distribution network presents an improved evaluation scheme for analyzing the vulnerability of the distribution network. First, based on the structural vulnerability analysis, the node degree and node intermediary indexes are constructed, and the node injection power and the node load level are used to weight to highlight the importance of the priority load. Based on the state vulnerability analysis, the sensitivity voltage analysis method is used to construct the node voltage sensitivity indicators. At the same time, considering the influence of the distribution network components on the vulnerability of the nodes, based on the risk theory, the influence index of the node failure is constructed. Secondly, the AHP is used to weight various parameters, and a comprehensive vulnerability index suitable for the distribution network is obtained. Finally, the IEEE 33 node example is used to simulate the evaluation model, which verifies the feasibility of the indicators and vulnerability assessment system proposed in this paper.
        Key words: vulnerability analysis; complex network theory; distribution network; AHP
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