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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2021-04-30 15:30 瀏覽次數:620


    (保定天威集團特變電氣有限公司,河北 保定 071056)
        摘 要:高效節能是變壓器的發展趨勢,目前的高效節能配電變壓器主要采用非晶合金鐵心變壓器和立體卷鐵心變壓器。研發出一種高效節能的疊鐵心配電變壓器,即通過使用最新的優質高性能硅鋼片,在配電變壓器鐵心和繞組結構上采取了一系列技術措施降低損耗,重點對低壓繞組中損耗的實測值與計算值進行了對比,分析了實測值與計算值間產生差異的原因。通過產品電磁仿真分析與實測結果驗證了模型仿真結果的準確性,為后續系列高效節能配電變壓器的開發提供技術保障。
        中圖分類號:TM421     文獻標識碼:A     文章編號:1007-3175(2021)04-0017-05
    Design of High-Efficiency and Energy-Saving Laminated Core
    Distribution Transformer
    ZHANG Ya-jie, PANG Jian-li, LIU Xiao-liang, ZHANG Li-ming
    (Baoding Tianwei Group Tebian Electric Co., Ltd, Baoding 071056, China)
        Abstract: High-efficiency and energy-saving is the development trend of transformers. The current high-efficiency and energy-saving distribution transformers mainly use amorphous alloy core transformers and three-dimensional wound core transformers. This paper expounds the development of a high-efficiency and energy-saving laminated core distribution transformer, that is, by using the latest high-quality and high-performance silicon steel sheets, a series of technical measures have been taken to reduce losses in the core and winding structure of the distribution transformer. Focusing on comparing the actual measurement of the losses in the low-voltage winding with the calculated value,the reason for the difference between the measured value and the calculated value is analyzed. The accuracy of the model simulation results is verified through the product electromagnetic simulation analysis and the actual measurement results, which provides technical support for the development of the subsequent series of high-efficiency and energy-saving distribution transformers.
        Key words: high-efficiency and energy-saving; laminated core; distribution transformer; double-layer foil winding
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