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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2021-05-25 10:25 瀏覽次數:604


    (國網河南省電力公司電力科學研究院,河南 鄭州 450052)
        摘 要:入網檢測是保證產品質量的重要手段,期間產生了大量檢測數據。通過分析不同檢測項目對變壓器性能的表征作用,研究了不同試驗項目的數據特點及大數據背景下的分布規律,提出一種基于檢測項目數據分布規律的配電變壓器性能評價方法。經具體數據驗證表明,該方法能有效反映設備的性能狀況,在現有數據背景下,實現對設備關鍵單元、生產工藝及整體性能的評價。
        中圖分類號:TM421     文獻標識碼:A     文章編號:1007-3175(2021)05-0041-06
    A Method for Evaluating the Performance of Distribution Transformers
    Based on Data Distribution Law of Test Items
    WANG Zhen-yu, FU Gang, YANG Wei, YANG Tao, LI Xue-huan, ZHAO Shu-jie, WU Ming-xiao, ZHOU Shao-zhen
    (Electric Power Research Institute , State Grid Henan Electic Power Company, Zhengzhou 450052, China)
        Abstract: The admittance testing of distribution transformers is an important means to ensure product quality, and a great deal of testing data is generated during the process. In this paper, the characterization of distribution transformer performance, the characteristics and distribution law of data generated by different test items are analyzed. According to the distribution law of data produced by different testings, a method of evaluating the performance of distribution transformers is proposed. It is verified by specific examples that this method manages to reflect the performance of distribution transformers, and to evaluate their key units, manufacturing process and overall performance under the background of the existing data.
        Key words: distribution transformer; quality testing; test item; test data; distribution law; performance evaluation
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