(西安工程大學 電子信息學院,陜西 西安 710089)
摘 要:基于 STM32F103C6 芯片控制的雙閉環控制系統的整體電路圖,設計出了無刷直流電動機驅動電路、逆變電路、速度檢測電路和電流檢測電路;利用 PID 算法,通過雙閉環調速,能夠使得無刷直流電機平穩運行,并在轉速發生變化時,快速達到準確值。通過對雙閉環檢測算法的優化,使得調速更加精確。利用 Proteus 軟件對整體系統進行了仿真驗證,實驗結果表明,系統結構設計合理,硬件設計方案可行,控制算法正確。
關鍵詞:無刷直流電機控制;Proteus 仿真;雙閉環控制;數字式 PID 調速
中圖分類號:TM36+1 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2021)05-0017-05
Design of Brushless DC Motor Control System Based on Proteus
GAO Pei-wen, LI Qian-kun, LIU Sheng-xing, WANG Hao, WU Xu-xin
(School of Electronics and Information, Xi’an Polytechnic University, Xi’an 710089, China)
Abstract: Based on the overall circuit diagram of double closed-loop control system controlled by the STM32F103C6 chip, this paper makes designs of drive circuit, inverter circuit, speed detection circuit and current detection circuit of the brushless DC motor. The brushless DC motor can run smoothly and quickly reach an accurate value when the speed changes through applying PID algorithm and the double closed-loop speed regulation. In addition, the double closed-loop detection algorithm can be optimized to make the speed regulation more accurate.The whole system has been simulated in the Proteus, and the experimental results show that the system structure design is reasonable,the hardware design scheme is feasible, and the control algorithm is correct.
Key words: brushless DC motor control; Proteus simulation; double closed-loop control; digital PID speed regulation
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