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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    0.4 kV低壓開關柜標準化定制技術研究

    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2021-06-28 08:28 瀏覽次數:591
    0.4 kV低壓開關柜標準化定制技術研究
    (1 正泰電氣股份有限公司,上海 201614;
    2 浙江正泰電氣科技有限公司,浙江 嘉興 314000)
        摘 要 :0.4 kV 低壓開關柜在電力系統發生故障時可將故障設備從電網中快速切除,其標準化定制程度制約著配電網設備標準化設計定制的建設工作。以型號為 SLVA-2500/Z001 的配電組柜為研究對象,
        關鍵詞 :0.4 kV 低壓開關柜 ;標準化定制 ;結構設計
        中圖分類號 :TM591     文獻標識碼 :A     文章編號 :1007-3175(2021)06-0066-05
    Research on Standardized Customization Technology of the
    0.4 kV Low-Voltage Switchgear
    MA Xiao-juan1,2, CHEN LI-quan1,2, ZHU Qin-hua1,2, ZHU Xiu-bing1,2, XUE Bo-feng1,2, TONG Xu-pu1,2
    (1 Chint Electric Co., Ltd, Shanghai 201614, China;
    2 Zhejiang Chint Smart Electric Co., Ltd, Jiaxing 314000, China)
        Abstract: The 0.4 kV low-voltage switchgear can quickly remove the faulty equipment from the power grid when the power system fails. The degree of standardization and customization restricts the construction of standardized design and customization of distribution network equipment. In this paper, the distribution cabinet model SLVA-2500/Z001 is taken as the research object. Through the selection of key components, structural design, primary and secondary connectors, insulation materials and other key parts, and 3D modeling and simulation, the feasibility and rationality of this overall scheme is verified by test of the actual sample cabinet production and testing in stitution.
        Key words: 0.4 kV low-voltage switchgear; standardized customization; structural design
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