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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2021-06-28 09:28 瀏覽次數:582
    (沈陽建筑大學 信息與控制工程學院,遼寧 沈陽 110168)
        摘 要 :電力巡檢在輸電線路部件故障的排除中起著至關重要的作用。為了實現復雜背景下的輸電線路電力小部件的目標檢測,提出了一種改進 SSD 算法的小目標檢測算法——PA-SSD。將反卷積融合單元融合到 PANet 算法中,以改進 PANet 結構,并以此為基礎產生新的特征融合方式,融合不同尺度的特征圖 ;將傳統 SSD 算法中的特征圖用新的特征圖替換,形成新的特征金字塔模型。針對實際輸電線路中的 4 種目標進行了測試,結果表明,PA-SSD 算法與原始的 SSD 算法相比,其檢測精度有了明顯提高,檢測速度也可以滿足檢測性能的要求。
        關鍵詞 :目標檢測 ;輸電線路 ;SSD 算法 ;PANet 算法
        中圖分類號 :TM726     文獻標識碼 :A     文章編號 :1007-3175(2021)06-0051-05
    A Transmission Line Target Detection Method with
    Improved SSD Algorithm
    HUANG Qin-qin, DONG Jie, CHEN Yue, ZHU Yuan-yuan
    (School of Information and Control Engineering, Shenyang Jianzhu University, Shenyang 110168, China)
        Abstract: It is of great importance for the power inspection to troubleshoot the transmission line components. In order to achieve target detection of small power components of transmission lines in complex contexts, this paper proposes a small target detection algorithm based on the improved SSD algorithm-PA-SSD. The deconvolution fusion unit is integrated into the PANet algorithm to improve the PANet structure, and on this basis, a new feature fusion method is generated to fuse feature images of different scales. The feature graph in the traditional SSD algorithm is replaced with a new feature graph to form a new feature pyramid model. The results show that compared with the original SSD algorithm, the detection accuracy of PA-SSD algorithm is significantly improved, and the detection speed can also meet the require ments of detection performance.
        Key words: target detection; transmission line; SSD algorithm; PANet algorithm
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