來源:電工電氣發布時間:2021-06-28 09:28 瀏覽次數:497
(國網福建省電力有限公司龍巖供電公司,福建 龍巖 364000)
摘 要 :有載濾油機低在線率往往是造成變壓器有載分接開關故障的重要原因。對有載濾油機的在線率過低的問題進行了研究,分析出缺乏相關信號電纜、遠動信號點和濾油機故障是導致主變濾油機低在線率的具體原因,結合工程實際,通過敷設有載調壓機構箱與有載濾油機之間的聯絡電纜,及增加主變濾油機相關遠動信號點后,有效提高了主變有載濾油機在線率。并對濾油機在線情況進行分析,及時發現濾油機本身故障,保證了有載調壓變壓器的安全運行。
關鍵詞 :電力變壓器 ;有載濾油機 ;在線率 ;監控信號
中圖分類號 :TM411 文獻標識碼 :B 文章編號 :1007-3175(2021)06-0047-04
Analysis and Improvement Method of Low Online Rate of
Main Transformer On-Load Oil Purifier
WU Yong-hai, SHEN Jian-lin
(Longyan Power Supply Company of State Grid Fujian Electric Power Company, Longyan 364000, China)
Abstract: The low online rate of the onload oil filter is often an important reason for the failure of the on-load tap changer of the transformer. The problem of low online rate of the on-load oil filter was studied, and it was analyzed that the lack of relevant signal cables, remote signal points and the failure of the oil filter were the specific reasons that led to the low online rate of the main transformer oil filter. Combining with the actual project, by laying the connection cable between the load regulator box and the on-load oil filter unit, and adding the remote signal points of the main transformer oil filter unit, the online rate of the main transformer on-load oil filter unit is effectively improved.The online condition of the oil filter is analyzed, and the fault of the oil filter itself is found in time to ensure the safe operation of the on-load voltage regulating transformer.
Key words: power transformer; on-load oil filter; online rate; monitoring signal
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