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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2021-06-28 09:28 瀏覽次數:566
    陳麗霞1 ,上官誠江2 ,黃純熙1 ,陳潤欣1 ,張國平1
    (1 國網福建省電力有限公司福州供電公司,福建 福州 350007;
    2 福建星云電子股份有限公司,福建 福州 350007)
        摘 要 :小電阻接地方式可有效降低過電壓和提高故障選線率,但在小電阻改造過渡期間存在并列轉供電等問題。通過對一次接線方式進行分析,在小電阻接地變高壓側與主變低壓側間加裝專用開關。對改造后的運行方式進行繼電保護分析并提出相應的二次應對措施及過渡方案,實際應用案例表明,新方案有效提高了配電網小電阻接地改造期間的供電可靠性。
        關鍵詞 :配電網 ;小電阻接地 ;并列運行 ;備自投
        中圖分類號 :TM862     文獻標識碼 :B     文章編號 :1007-3175(2021)06-0038-05
    Study on the Reconstruction Scheme of Distribution Grid Neutral-Point
    Grounding System Through Small Resistance
    CHEN Li-xia1 , SHANGGUAN Cheng-jiang2 , HUANG Chun-xi1 , CHEN Run-xin1 , ZHANG Guo-ping1
    (1 Fuzhou Power Supply Company, State Grid Fujian Electric Power Co., Ltd, Fuzhou 350007, China;
    2 Fujian Nebula Electronics Co., Ltd, Fuzhou 350007, China)
        Abstract: Small resistance grounding method can effectively reduce overvoltage and improve fault line selection rate, but there are some problems during the transition of small resistance transformation, such as parallel to power supply. Through the analysis of the primary wiring mode, a special switch is installed between the high voltage side of the small resistance grounding transformer and the low voltage side of the main transformer. Relay protection analysis is carried out on the operation mode after transformation and corresponding secondary countermeasures and transition schemes are put forward, and the practical application shows that the new scheme can effectively improve the reliability of power supply during the transformation of small resistance grounding in distribution network.
        Key words: distribution grid; small resistance grounding; parallel operation; automatic bus transfer
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