(國網甘肅省電力公司電力科學研究院,甘肅 蘭州 730030)
摘 要:電力系統穩定器 (PSS) 參數整定試驗過程操作復雜且過多依賴試驗人員經驗。針對國內普遍應用的 2 型 PSS,提出一種基于最優補償特性的 PSS 控制參數自適應擬合方法。分析了 PSS 的最優補償特性,在考慮運行約束的條件下,建立了以補償特性與最優補償特性方差最小為目標的 PSS 控制參數自適應擬合模型,該模型可自動匹配發電機組勵磁系統的無補償特性,在一定誤差范圍內尋求 PSS 最優的控制參數。編寫程序算法求解,實現了 PSS 控制參數的快速計算。實際工程應用表明,應用該方法計算的 PSS 參數控制效果良好,具有良好的工程應用價值。
中圖分類號:TM712 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2021)07-0030-04
Parameter Fitting Software Development for 2 PSS Based on
Optimal Compensation
LIU Wen-fei, YANG Yong
(State Grid Gansu Electric Power Research Institute, Lanzhou 730030, China)
Abstract: The parameter setting test of power system stabilizer (PSS) is complicated and is dependent too much on the experience of test personnel. An adaptive fitting method for 2 PSS control parameters based on optimal phase compensation is proposed because of repeated iteration and verification for the traditional 2 PSS parameter tuning. The optimal phase compensation characteristic of PSS is analyzed. Then an adaptive fitting model of PSS control parameters with minimum variance between compensation component and optimal compensation is built under the condition of limited performance. This model can automatically match the frequency characteristic of the excitation system of generator sets to find the optimal PSS control parameters within a certain error range. The programmed algorithm is written to achieve fast calculation of PSS control parameters. The practical application shows that this method is of great use to calculate the controlling effects of PSS parameters, and of great value to be applied.
Key words: power system stabilizer; parameter fitting; optimal phase compensation; adaptive
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