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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2021-07-20 10:20 瀏覽次數:515


    (內蒙古工業大學 電力學院,內蒙古 呼和浩特 010080)
        摘 要:在模塊化多電平換流器 (MMC) 逆變站交流線路發生故障時,MMC 短路電流幅值受到控制策略的影響大,進而可能影響三段式電流保護的動作性能。鑒于此在 RTDS 平臺上搭建了向無源網絡供電的柔性交直流配電網系統,然后在 MMC 控制器內設計了交流故障穿越策略?;诳刂婆c保護協同的思路對故障穿越策略投入與不投入兩種情況下三段式電流保護動作性能做了仿真對比,仿真結果表明,當 MMC 逆變站交流線路發生不對稱故障時,在交流故障穿越策略作用下,電流主保護Ⅰ段、Ⅱ段均拒動,只能由本線路的近后備保護電流Ⅲ段延時切除故障?;诩兘涣飨到y故障電流特性進行整定的三段式電流保護動作性能較差,已經不再適用于 MMC 逆變站交流線路。
        關鍵詞:柔性交直流配電網;無源網絡;MMC ;故障穿越策略;短路電流;電流保護
        中圖分類號:TM727 ;TM732     文獻標識碼:A     文章編號:1007-3175(2021)07-0017-07
    Analysis of the Applicability of Current Protection of Flexible
    DC Power Supply Network
    GAO Yuan,YANG Bing-yuan, LI Dong-sheng
    (School of Electric Power, Inner Mongolia University of Technology, Hohhot 010080, China)
        Abstract: When the AC line fault of modular multi-level converter (MMC) inverter occurs, the MMC short-circuit current amplitude is greatly affected by the control strategy, which probably affects the operation performance of the three-section current protection additionally. To solve this problem, a flexible AC/DC distribution network system supplying power to passive network is built on the real time digital simulation system (RTDS) and then an AC fault ride-through strategy is designed in the MMC controller. Considering the integration of controlling and protection, this paper compared the different operation performances of three-section current protection in the condition of fault ride-through strategy input and non-input. The results demonstrate that when the asymmetrical fault occurs on the AC line of MMC inverters, neither section I nor section II of the main current protection operates under the AC fault ride-through strategy, but only the closest backup production section III is able to remove the fault with delay. In conclusion, the three-section current protection, setting for the fault current characteristics of the pure AC system, has a poor performance on current protection accordingly no longer available for the AC line of MMC inverters.
        Key words: flexible AC/DC distribution network; passive network; MMC; fault ride-through strategy; short-circuit current; current protection
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