(Shougang Jingtang United Iron and Steel Joint Co., Ltd, Tangshan 063200, China)
Abstract: The second phase project of a large iron and steel plant was put into operation, and this plant has a capacity of 15 million tonsper year, requiring two independent 220 kV power supply points, but there was only one power supply point due to the weakness of the surrounding grid. After analyzing the points, like power balance, power flow distribution, short-circuit level, safety and stability, and investment,two schemes were proposed to solve the problem of the expansion of the iron and steel plant. After analyzing and studying the two proposed schemes, it was decided to adopt scheme 1, which is to keep the existing internal power supply network and system connection scheme unchanged,and plan to add a 220 kV substation when the steel plant reaches a scale of 20 million tons per year.
Key words: iron and steel plant; independent power supply; load; power balance; short-circuit level
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