110 kV變電站生命周期碳排放分析
(南瑞電力設計有限公司,江蘇 南京 211000)
摘 要:介紹了生命周期碳足跡理論,并以某 110 kV 變電站為例,確定了變電站生命周期碳足跡的范圍及碳排放源,計算了變電站生命周期碳足跡。計算結果表明,變電站碳足跡主要產生于建設階段與運行階段,碳排放主要來源于機電設備、金屬結構、混凝土及運行維護的耗能。計算結果有助于采取有針對性措施,以實現變電站的節能減排及變電站工程的低碳設計。
中圖分類號:TM63 文獻標識碼:B 文章編號:1007-3175(2021)08-0035-04
Life Cycle Carbon Emission Analysis of 110 kV Substation
TANG Zhong-da
(NARI Electric Power Design Co., Ltd, Nanjing 211000, China)
Abstract: Firstly, life cycle carbon footprint theory is introduced in this paper. Secondly, a 110 kV substation is taken as an example to determine the distribution of carbon footprint in its life cycle as well as the carbon emission source. Thirdly, the life cycle carbon footprints of substations are counted that they are mainly produced in the construction and operation process of substations, and the carbon dioxide mainly emitted by electromechanical equipments, metal structure, concrete, as well the operation and maintenance of the system. The conclusion could contribute to take well-directed measures to achieve energy conservation and emission reduction of substations as well as its low-carbon designs.
Key words: substation; life cycle; carbon emission; carbon footprint
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