尹秀英1, 石益文1, 張延虹2
(1 正泰電氣股份有限公司,上海 201614;
2 華信技術檢驗有限公司,北京 100086)
摘 要:輸配電產品制造的質量工作重點是實施關鍵過程控制,關鍵過程控制要進行過程質量分析,而過程質量分析運用相關統計技術對數據和信息進行描述和推斷,從而掌握關鍵過程質量狀況,進行系統的改進和提升。通過三個案例,闡述了統計過程控制 (SPC)、測量系統分析 (MSA) 等方法在電線、變壓器制造的關鍵過程中的應用,探討了應用統計技術提升輸配電相關產品制造質量的方法。案例應用結果表明,該法不但提高了輸配電產品的實物質量,而且減少了質量損失,降低了制造成本。
中圖分類號:TM246+.1 ;TM401+.1 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2021)09-0064-05
Improving Manufacturing Quality of Transmission and Distribution
Related Products Based on Statistical Technology
YIN Xiu-ying1, SHI Yi-wen1, ZHANG Yan-hong2
(1 CHINT Electric Co.,Ltd, Shanghai 201614, China;
2 Vouching Technical Inspection Ltd, Beijing 100086, China)
Abstract: The implementation of crucial process control is the focus of power transmission and distribution product manufacturing quality.Critical process control requires process quality analysis,and this process quality analysis uses relevant statistical techniques to describe and infer data and information. These methods help to grasp the key process quality status. The system could be improved and upgraded. This paper uses three cases to illustrate the application of statistical process control (SPC), measurement system analysis (MSA) and other methods in the key processes of wire and transformer manufacturing. This paper discusses the application of statistical techniques to improve the manufacturing quality of power transmission and distribution related products. The case application results show that this method improves the physical quality of power transmission and distribution products, reduces quality loss, and descends manufacturing costs.
Key words: electric power transmission and distribution; transformer; wire and cable; key process; process capability; statistical process control; measurement system analysis
[1] 唐納德·W·本堡,羅杰·W·伯杰,阿瑪德·K·埃爾謝納威,等. 注冊質量工程師手冊[M] . 北京:中國城市出版社,2003.
[2] 馬林,何楨. 六西格瑪管理[M] . 北京:中國人民大學出版社,2004.