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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    40.5 kV充氣柜雙氣箱結構設計與分析

    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2021-09-18 09:18 瀏覽次數:437

    40.5 kV充氣柜雙氣箱結構設計與分析

    (常州博瑞電力自動化設備有限公司,江蘇 常州 213025)
        摘 要:以 40.5 kV 充氣柜雙氣箱結構為例,以板材厚度和最薄弱的右側板為研究對象,在掌握結構的設計、制造和生產工藝的基礎上,通過強度理論和有限元分析,得到雙氣箱結構的計算和校核采用第一強度理論,以及應力分布和變形量的分析云圖。理論分析確定了雙氣箱結構宜選用 3 mm 不銹鋼材料,右側板經過橫縱向加強布置后,比原結構的變形量縮小了 70%,大幅度增加了氣箱結構的強度,使其足以承受內部燃弧中的高能量沖擊力。所采用的理論和輔助軟件分析方法,給 40.5 kV 充氣柜雙氣箱的實體設計提供了依據。
        中圖分類號:TM591     文獻標識碼:A     文章編號:1007-3175(2021)09-0054-06
    The Structure Design and Analysis of 40.5 kV Double-Tank
    Construction of Inflatable Cabinet
    LI Xiao, LIU De-yu, HUI Jie, ZHU Xu-yue
    (Changzhou Boil Electric Power Automation Equipments Co., Ltd, Changzhou 213025, China)
        Abstract: This paper took a 40.5 kV inflatable cabinet with the double-tank box structure as an example and studied the thickness of the plate and the weakest right side plate. This study used the strength theory and the finite element analysis based on mastering the design,manufacturing, and production technology. The result showed that the first strength theory could be used in the calculation and verification process of the double-tank construction structure. This research obtained the cloud diagram of stress distribution and deformation. Theoretical analysis has determined that 3 mm stainless steel could be an appropriate material for making the double-tank box structure. After rearranging the right side plate horizontally and vertically, the deformation of the original structure shrank by 70%, which increased the strength of the air box structure to make it sufficient to withstand the internal arc. This paper provides a designed basis for the physical design of the double-tank air box of the 40.5 kV inflatable cabinet.
        Key words: double-tank construction; internal arc; strength theory; stress analysis; amount of deformation
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