(國網天津市電力公司檢修公司, 天津 300304)
摘 要:受開關柜結構緊湊特點的制約,巡檢過程中對放電類型分析和放電位置確定存在一定困難。綜合利用特高頻法和高頻電流法對某 220 kV 變電站開關柜套管放電缺陷進行分析并定位,應用特高頻法發現開關柜放電信號后,結合特高頻時差法和高頻電流定位,分析確定放電原因并最終通過解體驗證了檢測結果,說明放電位置判斷正確。
中圖分類號:TM591 ;TM855 文獻標識碼:B 文章編號:1007-3175(2021)09-0050-04
Analysis and Location of Partial Discharge of Switchgear
WEI Bin, WANG Xin, DU Yue-fan, WANG Xiao-peng, DONG Zheng, YAN Li-dong, LIU Chang-jun
(State Grid Tianjin Electric Power Maintenance Company, Tianjin 300304, China)
Abstract: Restricted by the compact structure of the switchgear, it is difficult to analyze the discharge type and determine the discharge location during the inspection process. In this paper, UHF method and high frequency current method are used to analyze and locate the discharge defects of the switchgear casing of a 220 kV substation. After finding discharge signals of switchgear through UHF, UHF and high frequency current method are combined to analyze the cause of discharge, and finally the testing results are verified by the disassembly, indicating the right judgment of the discharge location.
Key words: switchgear; partial discharge; UHF method; high frequency current
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