(新東北電氣集團高壓開關有限公司沈陽電力科技開發分公司,遼寧 沈陽 110027)
摘 要:接地開關是將回路接地,在異常條件下,可以承載規定時間內規定的短路電流,在某些工況下還需要具有關合短路電流或開合感應電流的功能。介紹了接地開關的特點及性能,對接地開關從本體結構及操動機構兩方面進行優化:本體設置分合閘指示裝置,操動機構設置“雙確認”裝置,兩種優化設計大大提高了接地開關的安全可靠性。
中圖分類號:TM564 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2021)11-0055-03
Optimized Design of Accessibility of the Earthing Switch
Body and Operating Mechanism
WANG Cai-yun
(New Northeast Electric Group High Voltage Switchgear Co., Ltd. Shenyang Electric Power Technology
Development Branch, Shenyang 110027, China)
Abstract: The earthing switch is to ground the circuit loop. It can carry the specified short-circuit current within a specified time under the abnormal circumstance. It also needs to have the function of closing short-circuit current or opening induced current under some working conditions. This article introduced characteristics and functions of the earthing switch, optimizing it from two aspects: structure and operating mechanism. It provides a designed opening and closing indicator device for the main body of the earthing switch and a double confirmation device for the operating mechanism. The result shows that this plan improves the safety and reliability of the grounding switch.
Key words: GIS; earthing switch; operating mechanism; opening and closing indicating device; double confirmation device
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