(南京工程學院 電力仿真與控制工程中心,江蘇 南京 211167)
摘 要: 介紹了現階段的三大主流風力機型的應用及其特點,分析了大規模風電場并網對電網安全穩定運行帶來的問題:一是改變電網潮流分布,二是對電網調度的影響,三是對配電網電能質量影響?;诋斍暗娘L電產業現狀給出了風電功率預測、風電場中的電力電子設備及控制技術、低電壓穿越等幾個研究熱點,并展望了未來風電發展前景。
關鍵詞: 風力發電;風電場;低電壓穿越;風力發電趨勢
中圖分類號:TM614 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2015)01-0001-04
Discussion on Present Situations and Development Trends of Wind Power Generation Technology
SONG Heng-dong, DONG Xue-yu
(Electric Power Simulation and Control Engineering Center, Nanjing Institute of Technology, Nanjing 2111 67, China)
Abstract: Introduction was made to the application and characteristics of the three mainstream wind models at the present stage. This paper analyzed the influences of safe and stable operation caused by large-scale wind farms power grid, including changing the power grid tidal current distribution, having impacts on the power grid dispatching and the quality of distribution network. In view of the present status of wind power industry, this paper proposed wind power prediction, power electronics device and control technology in wind farm, low voltage ride through etc research hotspot issues and prospected the trend of wind power development.
Key words: wind power generation; wind farms; low voltage ride through; trend of wind power
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