(廣東電網有限責任公司中山供電局,廣東 中山 528400)
摘 要:為了解決現有變電站強排水系統無法自動檢測排水效果的問題,提出了一種集水井微機控制強排水系統及排水效果自動檢測方法。該系統通過采集集水井水位、強排水系統出水口水流速度及水泵電流判斷集水井排水效果,實現了水泵自動排水控制、排水效果自動檢測、異常自動報警功能。該系統代替了人工定期檢查,并在一座 220 kV 變電站中得到試點應用,應用結果表明,其可以自動檢測排水效果,提高了變電站運行的安全性,降低了變電站管理成本,提高了工作效率。
中圖分類號:TM63 ;TM734 文獻標識碼:B 文章編號:1007-3175(2021)12-0036-04
Research and Application of Microcomputer Controlled
Forced Drainage Control System for Substation
LI Xin-hai, ZENG Ling-cheng, LIU Wen-ping, ZENG Qing-zhu, XIAO Xing, LUO Qi-feng, CAI Gen-man
(Zhongshan Power Supply Bureau of Guangdong Power Grid Co., Ltd, Zhongshan 528400, China)
Abstract: An existing problem of the substation forced drainage system is that the system could not automatically detect the drainage effect.This research proposed a microcomputer in the water-collecting well and a solution for automatic detection. The system could determine the drainage effect of the water-collecting well by collecting the water level of the water-collecting well, the water flow speed of the outlet of the forced drainage system, and the working current of the pump. It realized the function of the water pump auto-control of drainage, automatic detection of drainage effect, and automatic alarm of abnormality. This system replaced the manual inspection, and it has been applied in a 220 kV substation. The result shows that this system can automatically detect the drainage effect, improve the safety of substation operation,reduce the cost of substation management, and improve work efficiency.
Key words: substation; water-collecting well; water pump; forced drainage system; drainage effect
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