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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2021-12-16 10:16 瀏覽次數:466


    (1 中國南方電網有限責任公司超高壓輸電公司柳州局,廣西 柳州 545000;
    2 武漢大學 電氣與自動化學院,湖北 武漢 430072)
        摘 要:隨著昆柳龍多端混合直流輸電工程投入運行,光電流互感器 (純光CT) 的故障率也逐漸變高。介紹了直流純光 CT 的結構以及工作原理,分析了昆柳龍直流輸電工程使用的純光 CT 在運行中發生的問題,進行了通斷測試、局放試驗及解體測試,并在 ANSYS 軟件中進行建模,使用有限元方法對其電場進行仿真計算。結合試驗以及仿真結果,提出了增大絕緣管的壁厚、增加均壓環等整改措施,為以后純光 CT 的設計提供了參考。
        中圖分類號:TM452+.93     文獻標識碼:B     文章編號:1007-3175(2021)12-0031-05
    Study on Fault Analysis and Remedial Measures of DC Pure Optical CT
    MA Hong-zhuo1, ZENG Zi-an2, WU Xiao-dong1, SHEN Di-qiu1, FAN You-ping2
    (1 China Southern Power Grid EHV Transmission Company Liuzhou Bureau, Liuzhou 545000, China;
    2 School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China)
        Abstract: The failure rate of pure optical CT has gradually increased during the Kunliulong multi-terminal hybrid DC transmission project’operation.This article introduced the structure and working principle of DC pure optical CT, analyzed the problems that emerged in the operation of the pure optical CT used in the Kunliulong DC transmission project. Besides, it conducted many tests, such as continuity test,partial discharge test, and disassembly test. Furthermore, it built a model in ANSYS software and did a simulated experiment for its electric field by using the finite element method.This work combines the results of experiments and simulations. Many remedial measures are proposed,such as increasing the wall thickness of the insulating tube and increasing the equalizing ring. Overall, it provides a reference for the design of pure optical CT in the future.
        Key words: pure optical CT; hybrid DC transmission; fault analysis; remedial measure
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