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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2021-12-16 10:16 瀏覽次數:419


    (1 江蘇科能電力工程咨詢有限公司,江蘇 南京 210003;
    2 南京卓興輝電力工程咨詢有限公司,江蘇 南京 210006)
        摘 要:針對大規模光伏并網給配電網帶來的電網運行問題,考慮空調負荷的需求響應能力,提出一種空調負荷參與配電網光伏消納的兩階段調度策略。第一階段,在微網層中,各空調負荷聚合商根據微網運營商在日前制定的光伏消納計劃,基于非合作博弈,共同進行市場投標,以確定日前調度計劃;第二階段,在配網層中,當微網自身無法完全消納光伏出力,功率返送主網,導致網絡中出現電壓越限時,電網公司利用空調負荷的需求響應能力調節電壓。仿真分析結果表明,所提策略在提升光伏消納效果,調節配電網電壓的同時,還提高了空調負荷聚合商的收益,減少了微網運營商和電網公司的調控成本。
        中圖分類號:TM615 ;TM715     文獻標識碼:A     文章編號:1007-3175(2021)12-0021-06
    Two-Stage Scheduling Strategy of Air-Conditioning Load Participating in
    Photovoltaic Absorption of Distribution Network
    FANG Hao-chen1, LU Xiao-li1, WANG Wen-jing1, CHEN Hua-ming2, LIU Zhong-xi1
    (1 Jiangsu Keneng Power Engineering Consulting Co.,Ltd, Nanjing 210003, China;
    2 Nanjing Zhuoxinghui Power Engineering Consulting Co.,Ltd, Nanjing 210006, China)
        Abstract: This paper aims at the grid operation problems brought by large-scale photovoltaic connections to the distribution network. It proposes a two-stage scheduling strategy for air-conditioning load to participate in the photovoltaic absorption of distribution network, considering the regulation potential of air-conditioning load. In the first stage, in the micro-grid layer, each air-conditioning load aggregator made a market bid based on a non-cooperative game to determine the day-ahead scheduling plan according to the plan of photovoltaic absorption formulated by the micro-grid operator in the past. In the second stage, the power might return to the main network when the micro-grid in the distribution network layer cannot fully absorb the photovoltaic output. This situation could lead to an over-limit voltage phenomenon in the network. The power grid company adjusted the voltage by using the regulation potential of the air-conditioning load to solve this situation.The simulation results show that the strategy proposed in this paper enhanced the utilization of photovoltaic power and adjusted the distribution network voltage. Besides, the proposal improved the profit of the air-conditioning load aggregator and reduced the regulation cost of the micro-grid operators and the power grid company.
        Key words: photovoltaic absorption; air-conditioning load; non-cooperative game; voltage regulation
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