(1 黃淮學院 智能制造學院,河南 駐馬店 463000;
2 南京工程學院 智能電網研究院,江蘇 南京 211167)
摘 要:在永磁電機電流環 PI 控制方法基礎上,研究了逆變器開關周期對于永磁電機電流環控制性能的影響。闡述了永磁電機電流環 PI 控制的參數整定理論;在不同逆變器開關周期情況下,分析永磁電機電流環 PI 控制的性能;搭建硬件平臺,基于不同逆變器開關周期,測試永磁電機電流環 PI 控制的性能。結果分析表明,永磁電機電流環 PI 控制的最佳性能與逆變器開關周期選取和適當的控制參數修正有關。
中圖分類號:TM351 ;TM464 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2021)12-0011-05
Influence of Inverter Switching Cycle on the Performance of
Current Loop Control of Permanent Magnet Motor
CHEN Zhong-xian1, XIA Tao2, ZHANG Li-hua1
(1 School of Intelligence Manufacturing, Huanghuai University, Zhumadian 463000, China;
2 Smart Grid Research Institute, Nanjing Institute of Technology, Nanjing 211167, China)
Abstract: This paper investigated the influence of the inverter switching cycle on the performance of permanent magnet motor, which was based on the current loop PI (Proportional Integral) control method of permanent magnet motor.It elaborated the parameter tuning of current loop PI control of permanent magnet motor and analyzed the performance of current loop PI control of permanent magnet motor.This study also established a hardware platform based on different inverter switching cycles to test the performance of the permanent magnet motor current loop PI control.The results show that the best function of the current loop PI control of the permanent magnet motor is related to the selection of the inverter switching period and the appropriate control parameter modification.
Key words: inverter; three-phase permanent magnet synchronous motor; switching cycle; current loop; stability
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