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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    基于全生命周期的110 kV變電站降碳方案研究

    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2022-01-20 09:20 瀏覽次數:453

    基于全生命周期的110 kV變電站降碳方案研究

    (淮安新業電力建設有限公司,江蘇 淮安 223000)
        摘 要:以 110 kV 變電站的典型設計方案為例,梳理了當前變電站中產生碳排放的各項因素,采用全生命周期碳足跡的模型對典型變電站方案中的碳排放量進行量化,從設備降碳、供能替代、建筑節能、運行優化四方面探討了能夠降低變電站碳排放的方案,并采用敏感度分析的方法比較了不同降碳方案在全生命周期中的經濟性,為建立低碳變電站提供了參考。
        中圖分類號:TM63     文獻標識碼:B     文章編號:1007-3175(2022)01-0066-04
    Lifecycle-Based Research on Carbon Reduction
    Measures of 110 kV Substation
    WANG Zhuo
    (Huai'an Xinye Electric Power Contruction Co., Ltd, Huai'an 223000, China)
        Abstract: This paper took the typical design scheme of the 110 kV substation as an example to sort out the various factors that produce carbon emissions in the current substation.It employed a full lifecycle carbon footprint model to quantify the carbon emissions in a typical substation program. It discussed the plans that could reduce substation carbon emissions: carbon reduction equipment, energy supply substitution,energy-saving building, and optimization operation.It used the sensitivity analysis method to compare the different carbon reduction programs from the economic aspect. The result of this paper provides a reference for the establishment of low-carbon substations.
        Key words: carbon emission; substation; full lifecycle; sensitivity analysis
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