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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    10 kV配網自動化系統中故障定位隔離技術研究

    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2022-01-20 10:20 瀏覽次數:546

    10 kV配網自動化系統中故障定位隔離技術研究

    (國網河北省電力有限公司泊頭市供電分公司,河北 泊頭 061000)
        摘 要:因縣域內 10 kV 線路長、分支線多、各段線路型號差異較大,速斷定值無法準確設置,造成線路故障時,分段開關無法準確動作,擴大了停電范圍。介紹了配網自動化系統的組成框架,對目前配網自動化系統中故障定位隔離存在的問題進行了闡述,并給出了基于饋線終端 (FTU) 縱聯差動的故障定位隔離方案和基于矩陣運算的故障定位隔離方案,所述方案能夠充分發揮 FTU 與集控主站的負荷監控和高速通信功能,實現配網故障準確定位、快速隔離,縮小線路停電范圍,保障非故障區域電力的正常供應,提升了配電網線路的運行管理水平。
        關鍵詞:配網自動化;故障定位隔離;饋線終端(FTU) ;縱聯差動;矩陣運算
        中圖分類號:TM711     文獻標識碼:A     文章編號:1007-3175(2022)01-0042-03
    Research on Fault Location and Isolation Technology in 10 kV
    Distribution Network Automation System
    WANG Dong
    (Botou City Power Supply Branch of State Grid Hebei Electric Power Co., Ltd, Botou 061000, China)
        Abstract: In the county-level region, some problems exist in the 10 kV circuit. For example, the length is too long, the branch-line is too many, there are excessive different types of circuits. Those problems can lead to some issues. For instance, when the section-speed setting value could not be set up accurately and triggered the line fault, it might lead to the sectioned switch cannot operate correctly. It would eventually cause widespread power failure. This paper introduced the structure of distributing electric power automation systems, elaborated on the existing matters of the fault section location and isolation problem in distributing electric power automation systems. The research proposed two plans. One is the fault section location and isolation plan based on the FTU longitudinal differential; another is the fault section location and isolation plan based on matrix computation. Both plans could develop the electric power load monitoring and high-speed communication function of the FTU and centralized control station and help to improve the operation and management level of the distribution network from many aspects. Both plans could develop the electric power load monitoring and high-speed communication function of the FTU and centralized control station. They could help to improve the operation and management level of the distribution network from many aspects. For instance, they can realize the accurate location of the network configuration fault, trigger the isolation of network faults rapidly,reduce the scope of power outages, and ensure the supply of power in non-faulty areas.
        Key words: distribution network automation; fault location isolation; FTU; longitudinal differential; matrix operation
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