(1 Nanjing Ruilineng Information Technology Co., Ltd, Nanjing 210012, China;
Abstract: There is a situation that the marketing mobile business develops rapidly, and the business requirement optimizes and upgrades continuously. The system appears to have problems that request timeout, slow loading, abnormal crash, etc. This study designed a marketing mobile business mid-platform. The marketing mobile business platform is composed of the SpringCloud microservice structure. It has a variety of service functions, including authentication service, message service, configuration service, upgrade service, etc. It can provide data services for mobile phones, tablets, PCs, and other terminals through a unified restful interface. The practical application shows that power enterprises could control the marketing mobile business by structuring the center of the marketing mobile business. The control of the marketing mobile business could be strong support for strengthening the ability to power enterprises, improving comprehensive data integration and information construction.
Key words: marketing mobile business mid-platform; microservice architecture; date service
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