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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    550 kV快速接地開關新型自力型觸頭設計與計算

    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2022-02-28 09:28 瀏覽次數:540

    550 kV快速接地開關新型自力型觸頭設計與計算

    (上海西門子高壓開關有限公司,上海 200245)
        摘 要:針對接地開關常用梅花觸頭結構復雜、安裝困難、成本較高等缺點,設計了新型自力型觸頭結構。通過增加壓緊彈簧來提高接觸壓力,利用自身的高導電性和可靠的接觸壓力,提高耐受短路電流產生的電動力能力。采用有限元分析和理論計算對觸指進行優化,計算觸頭接觸壓力,并對動熱穩定性以及短路關合能力進行校核,確保了新型自力型觸頭設計合理性。
        中圖分類號:TM564 ;TM595     文獻標識碼:B     文章編號:1007-3175(2022)02-0057-04
    Design and Calculation of New Type Self-Elastic Contact for
    550 kV High-Speed Earthing Switch
    GUO Rui-bin, SHEN Wei, WANG Ya-ge
    (Siemens High Voltage Switchgear Co., Ltd, Shanghai 200245, China)
        Abstract: This study designs a new self-elastic contact structure to solve the shortcomings of plum blossom contacts, such as complex structure, complex installation, high cost, etc. It increases the contact pressure by adding a compression spring, and uses its own high conductivity and reliable contact pressure to improve the electrodynamic ability to withstand short-circuit current. It increased the contact pressure by adding a compression spring and used its high conductivity and reliable contact pressure to improve the electric power capability generated by the withstand short-circuit current. This paper also used finite element analysis and theoretical calculation to optimize the contact finger, calculated the contact pressure of the contact, and verified the dynamic and thermal stability and short-circuits closing capability to ensure the rationality of the new self-supporting contact design.
        Key words: high-speed earthing switch; new type self-elastic contact; contact pressure; dynamic thermal stability
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