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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2022-03-24 10:24 瀏覽次數:481


    (正泰電氣股份有限公司,上海 201614)
        摘 要:應用于10 kV 電壓等級的配電網中的預裝式變電站,接地回路的額定短時耐受電流的參數值和導體截面積的選擇直接關系到產品的安全、可靠運行。從預裝式變電站中變壓器的高壓側和低壓側預期的短路電流出發,確定出變壓器低壓側短時耐受電流值和接地回路導體截面積,以此為基點,結合高壓側接地回路的額定短時耐受電流和導體截面積,最終確定出預裝式變電站的接地回路的額定短時耐受電流、短路持續時間及導體截面積,作為預裝式變電站產品設計和型式試驗的選用依據。
        關鍵詞:變壓器;電弧故障電流;接地回路導體截面積;額定短時耐受電流Ike ;短路持續時間tke
        中圖分類號:TM63     文獻標識碼:B     文章編號:1007-3175(2022)03-0059-04
    Discussion on Short-Time Withstand Current and Conductor Section of
    Grounding Circuit in Prefabricated Substation
    WANG Peng-cheng
    (Chint Electric Co., Ltd, Shanghai 201614, China)
        Abstract: The prefabricated substation is used in a distribution network of 10 kV voltage level. The parameter value of the rated shorttime withstand current of the ground loop and the selection of the conductor cross-sectional area are directly related to its safe and reliable operation.This paper studied the short-circuit current of the high-voltage side and low-voltage side of the prefabricated transformer to determine the short-time withstand current value of the low-voltage side of the transformer and the cross-sectional area of the grounding circuit conductor.This research combined the rated short-time withstand current and conductor cross-sectional area of the high-voltage side ground loop based on the short-time withstand current value of the low-voltage side of the transformer and the cross-sectional area. It determined the rated short-time withstand current, short-circuit duration, and conductor cross-sectional area of the grounding loop. It indicates that these factors could be the basis of the selection of the product design and type test of the prefabricated substation.
        Key words: transformer; arc fault current; cross-sectional area of grounding circuit conductor; rated short-time withstand current Ike; shortcircuit duration tke
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