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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    220 kV某GIS設備伸縮節的放電分析

    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2022-03-24 14:24 瀏覽次數:429

    220 kV某GIS設備伸縮節的放電分析

    (1 國網河南省電力公司鄭州供電公司,河南 鄭州 450052;
    2 鄭州祥龍電力股份有限公司,河南 鄭州 450006)
        摘 要:氣體絕緣開關設備 (GIS) 受制造技術、裝配工藝、運行環境等因素影響,運行中可能會出現六氟化硫 (SF6) 氣體泄漏、局部放電等故障。介紹了某 220 kV 氣體絕緣設備伸縮節氣室漏氣放電, 220 kV 母差保護動作跳閘事故,解體故障氣室,從環境、受力、導體等方面進行了故障分析,并給出了整改措施,對 GIS 設備的運行維護具有一定的借鑒意義。
        關鍵詞:氣體絕緣開關設備 (GIS) ;伸縮節;SF6 泄漏;檢查分析
        中圖分類號:TM591     文獻標識碼:B     文章編號:1007-3175(2022)03-0038-04
    Discharge Analysis of 220 kV Expansion Joint of a GIS Device
    ZHAO Quan-sheng1, HE Xiang-dong2, WANG Qing-xia1, SHI Yun-song1, LI Xiao-fei1, SHAO Zhi-zhong1
    (1 Zhengzhou Power Supply Company, State Grid Henan Electric Power Company, Zhengzhou 450052, China;
    2 Zhengzhou Xianglong Electric Power Co., Ltd, Zhengzhou 450006, China)
        Abstract: Gas-insulated switchgear (GIS) might have SF6 gas leakage, partial discharge, and other faults during operation affected by factors such as manufacturing technology, assembly process, operating environment, etc.This paper introduced the leakage discharge phenomenon of 220 kV gas insulation equipment telescopic throttle chamber, the tripping accident of 220 kV bus differential protection action,the disassembly of the failure air chamber. The study analyzes the failure from different perspectives, such as environment, stress, conductor,etc., and provides the rectification measures, which have certain reference significance for the operation and maintenance of GIS equipment.
        Key words: gas-insulated switchgear (GIS); expansion joint; SF6 leakage; check and analysis
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