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    Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
    期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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    來源:電工電氣發布時間:2022-03-24 15:24 瀏覽次數:366


    (中國民用航空西北地區空中交通管理局寧夏分局,寧夏 銀川 750001)
        摘 要:傳統被動式控制技術因輸入中電壓環路的缺失而導致負載輸出存在穩態誤差,提出了一種改進的被動式三相多電平逆變器控制技術。該方法是根據能量整形和阻尼注入完成的,目的是將逆變器的能量流調節到最優水平并保證全局漸近穩定性,給出了多電平電壓源型逆變器的拓撲結構和數學模型;根據能量函數進行能量整形和阻尼注入得到多電平 VSI 的開關函數來確保系統的穩定運行;為消除負載的穩態誤差將電壓回路引入開關函數進行線性規劃分析。通過 MATLAB/Simulink 仿真,仿真結果表明系統在任何負載的情況下都具有良好的瞬態響應和穩態誤差,并且其 THD 值較低。
        中圖分類號:TM464     文獻標識碼:A     文章編號:1007-3175(2022)03-0027-06
    Research on Control Strategy Based on Improved
    Passive Multilevel Inverter
    XIAO Long
    (Civil Aviation Air Traffic Management Bureau of Ningxia Branch of CAAC Northwest Regional, Yinchuan 750001, China)
        Abstract: The traditional passive control technology has a steady-state error in the load output due to the lack of a voltage loop in the input. This paper proposed an improved passive three-phase multilevel inverter control technology.This method is based on energy shaping and damping injection. The purpose is to adjust the energy flow of the inverter to the optimal level and ensure global asymptotic stability.It provided the topological structure and mathematical model of the multilevel voltage source inverter. It performed the energy shaping and damping injection according to the energy function and obtained the switching function of the multilevel VSI. In this way, it could ensure the stable operation of the system. This study also introduced the voltage loop into the switching function for linear programming analysis,eliminating the steady-state error of the load.The MATLAB/Simulink simulation experiment results show that the system has a good transient response and steady-state error under any load, and its THD value is low.
        Key words: voltage source inverter; passive control; switching function; steady-state error; transient response
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